And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might.~Deuteronomy 6:5
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
True Woman | Little people grow up way too fast!
I had one of those dreams filled with such normal stuff that you think it's really happening while you're in the dream. You know what I mean?
When my children were little, we used to go camping a lot. We loved hiking through the woods, eating s'mores around the campfire, fishing from the bank's edge. We even tried mountain biking as they grew older. So in my dream I was working my way up the side of a little mountain trail, wondering where Rachel and Caleb were. I started thinking about the fact that I hadn't seen them for a while—at least not the "little people" version of Rachel and Caleb. Shouts and giggles interrupted my climb as I turned around to see the eight- and twelve-year-old version of my children running toward me. "There you two are! I've been looking everywhere for you. I've missed you! Where've you been?"
That's when reality crashed in on dreamland and I woke up with tears streaming down my face, because I realized I'd never see those two little people again! They no longer existed in that "pint-sized version." The next morning at breakfast I relayed to my teenaged, six-foot-three son the dream (with big mommy-sized tears streaming down my face!) and the fact that I missed those two kids so much. Caleb looked at me incredulously. "But Mom, I'm sitting right here!" He couldn't understand my confusion. My tear-filled reply was soggy. "I know, I know—I'm glad you're here. I just miss that little guy who used to come running to show me the lizard he just caught, and the one that needed me to help him tie his shoes and find his missing frogs. I'm really glad you're here—I just miss that little guy!"
Today's post is for those young moms who've had a really long day of laundry and dirty diapers, one too many spills, and no breaks from the world of "toddlerhood" for weeks!
Tips from an "old mom"
•Pause for a minute. Take a deep breath, and ask God for grace to enjoy this season.
•Ask Him to remind you of the brevity of this season in moments when you're so tired you think you'll collapse.
•Find creative ways to have fun with your kids today!
•Go give each of your children a hug—right now while they're this size—because tomorrow they'll be a little bigger!
•Tell each of your children something special you've noticed about the way God created them. Then pray with them thanking God for that particular trait.
•Ask your children for forgiveness—often! It will train them to do the same.
•Watch for opportunities during your normal routine today to teach your children something new about God.
•Ask God to remind you (often) to treasure these years.
•When you go to sleep tonight—be sure to thank Him for the gift of these little ones.
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights (James 1:17).
Lord forgive me for the days I don't cherish your gift!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall in the air
This weekend was packed with fun for us, we started off by seeing "Where the Wild Things Are" at the IMAX and went to the "Wild Things" party they had.
My Wild Thing!
Then Sunday we had "Baby" Lily's 1st birthday party which my kids had really looked forward to and had a great time.
Then Sunday night we went to Boo at the Zoo with some of the kids from church and since we did not have school the next day we got to stay longer than anyone. It was very chilly Sunday night just perfect for fun fall activities. The kids got to trick or treat and since they went through some of the trick or treat areas 3 times they racked up on the candy and it was good stuff too. Caleb meets his kind
Friday, October 9, 2009
Sharing the Magic
Waiting at the airport
We made it...Magic Kingdom
First ride...tea cups Ella loved them!
They made Caleb barf later in the week ;0
Our first day was full we flew in and then spent the rest of the day riding rides, meeting characters and taking in all the Magic.
Since this was our first trip to Disney we weren't sure how the kids would do with meeting the characters and rides all of this was new to them but they took to it like they had done this a thousand times. We found out Ella is fearless she rode everyting she was big enough for and did not even think twice about her first time on rollercoasters. Caleb loved the roller coasters too. Country Goofy was the first character we met