“God is not a belief to which you give your assent. God becomes a reality whom you know intimately, meet everyday, one whose strength becomes your strength, whose love, your love. Live this life of the presence of God long enough and when someone asks you, “Do you believe there is a God?” you may find yourself answering, “No, I do not believe there is a God. I know there is a God.”~Ernest Boyer, Jr.

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might.~Deuteronomy 6:5

Monday, December 3, 2007

Chirstmas Joy

Well it's December and today is a windy, chilly day and already I can feel the hussle and bussle of the Christmas season. Determined not to get caught up in all of that and miss the JOY of the season I am trying to enjoy all those fun things about Christmas...baking cookies, eating cookies:), cold days, nights with hot chocolate, trees, lights, music and on that note if you need some Christmas Joy watch this video of Caleb singing at church on Sunday it will put you in the mood!

Now enjoy the simple pleasures of the wonderful season, and spend a little time with the kidos that make it so much fun

Sorry the Video was to big to upload, but I am going to see if Dan can make it smaller so I can share it with you...I hope so it is soo funny Caleb is just singing his heart out

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