So yesterday was the first day of school for my kids, I think they were officially the last kids in the state of Alabama to start school. I'm glad they started a little later we were able to eek a few last days out of summer and get in one more trip to the grandparents. This year begins a new chapter in my life...both kids in did that happen? The night before when I was putting Ella to bed is when I got all sentimental and as I looked at her and we talked about school I did actually have the thought I need another baby! don't worry that has passed;)
Our traditional silly faces and poses picture
Our traditional silly faces and poses picture
Who couldn't love that face...sweet girl!
Aren't' they cute and so sweet
I'm ready to go mom
headed in with supplies in hand
Yes we brought some cookie bribes for the teachers...yes I'm a nerd but the teachers always love me.
Yes we brought some cookie bribes for the teachers...yes I'm a nerd but the teachers always love me.
I am pleased to say nobody cried on the first day, Ella thought she needed to a little but we got past that and I thought I was going to but held it together. It was a good day.