“God is not a belief to which you give your assent. God becomes a reality whom you know intimately, meet everyday, one whose strength becomes your strength, whose love, your love. Live this life of the presence of God long enough and when someone asks you, “Do you believe there is a God?” you may find yourself answering, “No, I do not believe there is a God. I know there is a God.”~Ernest Boyer, Jr.

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might.~Deuteronomy 6:5

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So the big clean go t off to a good start last week but due to different events I only got 2 days done, so this week I begin again. This week I will focus on our living space..bedrooms, dinning and living rooms. These are harder I think because I have clutter I need to weed through and decide what stays and what goes. Yesterday I cleaned the dinning room

Common Areas: (1 hour per room)

o Dust ceiling, corners
o Clean ceiling fans/lights
o Clean wall art
o Polish all wood surfaces
o Vacuum cloth seats
o Sweep floor
o Scrub floor

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